So what am I saying? Am I turning this site off? No, not yet. I don't think I'm ready for that, but at least for this Lent I am taking the pressure off myself and if something flows and gets posted, great!, but if all I can do is share tiny updates and keep my link-ups afloat, great!
This season is about refocusing our lives on clinging to what really matters and in the grand scheme of things, HE is what matters. So this Lent I am feeling called to filter the distractions and do a little more with my faith. Each week I physically want to be at a church event other than Sunday. I know I can pray more at home, but my environment is very important to me and being in an actual church helps me focus. I also want to do some more faith filled reading, but I'll be honest, I'm still trying to figure out when that will actually happen. I have always been more of a night owl, in that I can stay up late without a struggle, but have always loved the quiet of the mornings, except that I have the hardest time getting out of bed even when I go to sleep that permanently exhausted pigeon is definitely where I fit! When I look at my days it seems like the only way I can do some of my goals is if I wake up at 5 am (which feels like a sucker punch in my gut), so I'm going to pray about it and see what the Lord has to offer me: I need energy, Lord and to wake up feeling like I slept, please!
Sorry for the ramble today, but wasn't that what blogging was originally a big ramble of thoughts? Sometimes I miss those days and then I realize I am fully capable of making "those days" today. Thanks for sticking with me!

Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Crystal at Hall Around Texas | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Jessica at Sweet Little Ones | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Stefanie at Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam, & Dylan Too | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Stefanie at Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam, & Dylan Too | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Becky at BYBMG | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Lindsay at Lindsay's Sweet World | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Sarah at Sarah E. Frazer | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Justine at Full Hands, Full Heart
Christina at Waltzing In Beauty | Pinterest | Instagram
Meghan at The Adventure Starts Here | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Christina at Waltzing In Beauty | Pinterest | Instagram
Meghan at The Adventure Starts Here | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Tina at Go Big or Go Home | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram
Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram