Friday, May 3, 2013

7 Quick Takes Volume 11

1.  I was abnormally tired during last week's little cold.  I was so tired I missed Quick Takes and spent a good deal of time in bed.  I think I slept 14 hours on Sunday.  Such lethargy put a damper on the weekend's plans.  I was raised in a family that tends to be the last few standing at parties.  Not so this weekend, B was sweet enough to take me home early from a friend's birthday party.

Another silver lining to last week's cold:

Although it still is not Facebook official *gasp*...we did celebrate our 1.5 anniversary last week. 

2.  The April showers blessed us with an abundance of rain the past couple weeks.  My nephew informed me that depending on the size of the body of water, it is called a rivele, pondle, lakele, or oceale.  My street was definitely home to an oceale.

3.  So many details!  The past couple weeks have been focused on the little details of my sister's wedding.  I had my dress fitting and a trial run for my hair.  Next step: make-up!

4.  I decided to try out Dean Street Society's monthly style challenge.  For each day of the month Hilary has a style prompt for something to try that day.  I've made it to day 3!  So far the most challenging thing has been self photos and learning Twitter.  I'll try my best to document.

5.  This little blog turned three months old this week!  One thing I've learned: coming up with an alternate title for 7 Quick Takes each week can be exhausting.

6.  Oh Snoopy :)

Follow Snoopy on Pinterest

7.  Dear Weather,

         Please stay nice, warm, sunny, and dry.  I want to go to the zoo. 
     The penguins are waiting for me.

     Sincerely, Me

Make sure to go and visit Jen before you head out to a wonderful weekend!




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