Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Talk: Host Features Part Three

Meet the ladies behind the link-up!

Part One - Part Two

Keri at Living in this Season

Learning how to be content in the season of your life, putting some things on hold and letting others take their place with joy, is such a hard task. Keri tackles those tough topics with authenticity and grace. Her 31 days of Building a Strong Family series this past October was fantastic. I know she put a ton of work into it and I highly recommend taking the time to read each post. It's a perfect introduction to Keri and her blog, and offers a great opportunity for a month's worth of daily reflections.

Whitney at Polka-Dotty Place

I love polka dots, so I was instantly drawn to Whitney's blog simply by the title.
And the rest of her space did not disappoint. She's a fellow Midwestern gal documenting the joys of her every day with her hubby, little girl, and baby on the way. She is just the cutest.
Her birthday was yesterday, so go wish her the best, and check out her 7 Birthday Challenges.

Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me

Stephanie is one of our two new additions to the link up.
She is a go-getter and offers a bright insight into marriage, motherhood, and making the most of her blogging and local community. I loved the Chemo Care bags she and some friends put together for breast cancer awareness month. Check out the link up she's co-hosting in December, 2015 Blogger Year in Review, which is all about celebrating your accomplishments for the year. They even have writing prompts! 
I hope you consider joining. I know I am.

Have a happy Tuesday!
Your blog is being shared on our 13 blogs and we would love it if you would return the favor and link back to us (you can grab the button below)! Thanks so much!



Waltzing In Beauty



Check out the Tuesday Talk guidelines here

and check out the features from every week here

  We'd love to connect with you! Please follow us in some way!



Keri - Living In This Season  ~ Christina - Waltzing In Beauty

Lauren - Simply Free ~  Becky - BYBMG

Jess and Katie - Sweet Little Ones ~ Whitney - Polka Dotty Place

Laura - Life Is Beautiful ~ Elizabeth - All Kinds Of Things

Sarah - Abiding In Grace ~ Stephanie - Wife Mommy Me



  1. What a fun idea to do a 'meet the hosts' series! :)

  2. Thank you for the host shout out!! I love our group and it's fun to both be expecting little ones in the coming year :)

  3. Enjoy it when you shout out to our hosts. Always feel the love here. I thought of you and had to let you know that I posted a beef stew recipe yesterday on my blog. I know you were looking for easy recipes, so if you get a chance, hop over and see if it interest you.


Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your thoughts! I respond mostly by e-mail so make sure you're not a no reply blogger!

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