Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tuesday Talk: More Acts of Kindness

Welcome back for another week of Tuesday Talk!
Last week we talked about acts of kindness you can do for your spouse.
Many of those acts can be easily switched for family and friends, 
people you know well enough to know their likes and dislikes.

This week let's talk about kindness towards those that surround us every day and we do not always notice: 
people at work and complete strangers.
When making my list I thought about things others have done for me 
and what I would appreciate when going about my work day and errands.
Here's what I came up with: 

At Work

Bring someone coffee
Deliver the mail
Say thank you for tasks completed
Send a note of encouragement and support for someone working overtime
Offer to help
Clean up the break room area
Leave a note for the janitorial staff
Compliment your coworker on their work
Bring in a treat to share
Be the first at a meeting and have water out for everyone
Make sure to ask about their weekend/big event/ etc.
Offer to run and get lunch for someone
Re-organize/clean up the storage/supply area
Make an effort to talk to the person that annoys you
Share your snack
Pray for your co-workers by name
For Strangers
Hold the door open
Say hello to everyone you pass
Pay for the person behind you
Let someone go ahead of you
Compliment a stranger
Share your umbrella
Have information for local charities and shelters to share with the homeless
For a set period of time find one item per day to donate
Write thank you notes for the employees of a non-for-profit you admire
Send a care package to a service man or woman
Leave a large tip
Tell a mother out with her crew that her family is beautiful
Offer your seat to someone standing
Bring a snack to the staff at the doctor's office
I'm sure together we can come up with many more ideas.
What is an act of kindness that you have performed or received?
Now for the link up!

Please make sure you link back to at least one of the hosts in your post, sidebar, or party page for the opportunity to be selected for our feature posts or pinned to our board.

Your blog is being shared on our 13 blogs and we would love it if you would return the favor and link back to us (you can grab the button below)! Thanks so much!

Waltzing In Beauty

Check out the Tuesday Talk guidelines here,  and check out the features from every week here!
  We'd love to connect with you! Please follow us in some way!

What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married Series - www.sweetlittleonesblog.com for www.waltzinginbeauty.blogspot.com

Keri - Living In This Season  ~ Christina - Waltzing In Beauty

Tara - Mrs. Coach Sims ~ Lauren - Simply Free

Jess and Katie - Sweet Little Ones ~ Whitney - Polka Dotty Place

Becky - BYBMG ~ Elizabeth - All Kinds Of Things

I cannot wait to read your post!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great list of things to do to brighten someone's day. It really is the little things in life that can let people know we care or can just bring a smile to someone who needs it.


  2. Always love reading your posts. Another motivator to get out there and show some love.


Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your thoughts! I respond mostly by e-mail so make sure you're not a no reply blogger!

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