Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day
 Memorial Day is bittersweet.
We gather together celebrating the gift of life given by the dead.

As pictures of National Cemeteries fill the media, as they rightly should,
words escape me.
This year I looked and I found some to take the place of my own.
Lord Jesus Christ,
by your own three days in the tomb,
you hallowed the graves of all who believe in you
and so made the grave a sign of hope
that promises resurrection
even as it claims our mortal bodies.

Grant that our brothers and sisters may sleep in peace
until you awaken them to glory,
for you are the resurrection and the life.
Then they will see you face to face
and in your light will see light
and know the splendor of God,
for you live and reign forever and ever.


Silently in my heart I say a prayer of thanksgiving today.
I am going to hug my veteran a little tighter and longer.
I hope you share in that blessing.
And if today you are mourning,
thank you.

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