Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Our Top 5 Baby Must-Haves

The must haves for baby...everyone has their own list. Eight months in and here is what we could not live without in our house.

Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Cloths

These Swaddles are amazing! They are baby soft and the patterns are lovely.Not only can you use them to swaddle the baby they are perfect for a blankie, play matt, nursing cover, burp cloth, and in a desperate scenario, a baby toga (not that I've had experience with the toga...always have extra clothes in the diaper bag and the car for good measure, just sayin'). We carry one at all times.

Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes

I did not think much about this toy when we received it as a gift at our shower, but it was not long before we realized it would be on our favorites list. Some musical toys have annoying little chintzy tunes. This toy plays classical music accompanied by dancing lights. Baby is mesmerized by it! And as he gets older he can hold and teeth on it more. It is especially handy in the car at night. The music and lights offer just enough distraction to provide time to remedy whatever uncomfortableness occurring.

ABC Arbonne Baby Care

We love all our Arbonne Baby Care products. Botanically based, without the fragrances and chemicals, Baby stays squeaky clean while smelling like Baby and not the product. The Diaper Rash Cream clears up any redness quickly (within a few applications at most is what we've found).

Philips Avent Pacifiers

We have what we call a little Binky Boy in our home. From early on Philips Avent were the only pacifiers he would take. I loved the clear ones, at first, because you could still see Baby's face. That advantage was quickly overshadowed by the fact that we were constantly loosing them while staring right at them on the ground (tired parents, I know). So we quickly replaced the clear with colors. And speaking of lost binkies, I just discovered their nighttime pacifiers! What's the difference? You may have guessed it; they glow in the dark!

Dr. Brown's Lovey Pacifier Holder

And saving the best for last, is a little fellow we affectionately call: Hercules. This was another baby item I wasn't sure about at first. When Baby was little and drop the pacifier out of his mouth, Hercules was just heavy enough to keep it nearby and Baby could get it back in his mouth. Now that Baby's older, Hercules still gets lots of cuddles, slobbery kisses, and teething back massages.

Exhibit A for the glories of Hercules and necessity of colored pacifiers.

You can bet at our next baby shower the new Mama will be receiving a few of these items to help celebrate her new little blessing...or we might throw in Baby's new favorite thing...

Speaking of blessings and new moms...you will want to come back on Thursday for a Blessed, Not Stressed Christmas Giveaway! Eeek! I am so excited, but until then: on to the link up!

Waltzing In Beauty

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